
The Dada von Bzdülöw Theatre (Poland) www.dadateatr.pl ("Bonds of Culture" Festival 2016, Szczecin, PL)
The play takes its inspiration, recognition, and nervous melancholy from the undying spirit of the Dada movement, which, as it was said by its apostles: was, is and will be. 99 years after the emanation of Dada in Zurich (AD 1916), accompanied by the smell of blood from the trenches of Verdun, national rapture and the revelation of Fatima, Azazel (or how he is called by Talmudists and Islamists) appeared in Poland. Under the wings of Azazel Poland has become a thesis, antithesis, and synthesis at the same time, and there is a growing belief shared by Poles that ONE is more than MANY. The Dada Theatre, inspired by the Dada Spirit, has decided to rip the curtains and to show the deadly face of the Angel of Death – and to laugh in his face. Dada is Poland!!! – as it is shouted, both mockingly and desperately, in the play. Out shouting and dancing is accompanied by music band Nagrobki. Presentation of the production INTRO by the Dada von Bzdülöw Theatre has been accomplished in collaboration withtheInstitute of Music and Dance within the frames of the program “Scena dla tańca 2016"